Skálmöld Live at The Arctic Henge
7 September 2024

The Arctic Henge Raufarhöfn

In Raufarhöfn, one of the most remote and northernmost villages in Iceland, a stone’s throw from the Arctic Circle, the Arctic Henge is under construction — A giant circle with 6 meter high stone gates that face the main directions and a 10 meter high center column. It’s roots lie in innovator Erlingur Thoroddsen’s speculations about the possibility of making use of the endless expanse with nothing on the horizon and the midnight sun. He recruited the artist Haukur Halldórsson and together they created a totally unique and captivating concept, deeply rooted in northern mythology…

The Arctic henge in Raufarhöfn, one of the most remote and northernmost villages in Iceland where the Arctic Circle lies just off the coast, the Arctic Henge (Heimskautsgerðið) is under construction. Similar to its ancient predecessor, Stonehenge, the Arctic Henge is like a huge sundial, aiming to capture the sunrays, cast shadows in precise locations and capture the light between aligned gateways.
Using Nikon D810a with nikon 14-24 lens 14 mm, f2,8 and iso 1600
Negative space composition method
#arctichenge #thearctichenge #raufarhöfn #arcticcircle #sundial #solar #iceland #icelandic #icelandair #icelandscape #icelandicnature #guidetoiceland #unlimitediceland #discovericeland #nikon #nikonmea #nikoneurope #ig_iceland #nikonasia #aurorahunting #auroraborealblog #auroraboreale #northernlights #auroraborealisnotifications #worldaurora #ig_auroraborealis #negativespace

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Arctic henge in Raufarhöfn #arctichenge #raufarhöfn #visiticeland #traveliceland #iceland ...

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My best aurora shot for 2019 🥇

The Arctic henge in Raufarhöfn, one of the most remote and northernmost villages in Iceland where the Arctic Circle lies just off the coast, the Arctic Henge (Heimskautsgerðið) is under construction. Similar to its ancient predecessor, Stonehenge, the Arctic Henge is like a huge sundial, aiming to capture the sunrays, cast shadows in precise locations and capture the light between aligned gateways.
Using Nikon D850 with nikon 14-24 lens 14 mm, f2,8 and iso 1600
#arctichenge #thearctichenge #raufarhöfn #arcticcircle #sundial #solar #iceland #icelandic #icelandair #icelandscape #icelandicnature #guidetoiceland #unlimitediceland #discovericeland #nikon #nikonmea #nikoneurope #ig_iceland #nikonasia #aurorahunting #auroraborealblog #auroraboreale #northernlights #auroraborealisnotifications #worldaurora #ig_auroraborealis #negativespace

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The Arctic Henge
Set in Raufarhöfn, one of the most remote and northernmost villages in Iceland where the Arctic Circle lies just off the coast, the Arctic Henge (Heimskautsgerðið) is under construction. Similar to its ancient predecessor, Stonehenge, the Arctic Henge is like a huge sundial, aiming to capture the sunrays, cast shadows in precise locations and capture the light between aligned gateways.
Using Nikon D810a with nikon 14mm lens, Nisi holder S5 for the 14-24 mm lens and 16 f stops filters (10+6) to get 600 seconds of exposure time
#arctichenge #thearctichenge #raufarhöfn #arcticcircle #sundial #solar #iceland #icelandic #icelandair #icelandscape #icelandicnature #guidetoiceland #unlimitediceland #discovericeland #nikon #nikonmea #nikoneurope #ig_iceland #nisi #nisiglobal #nisifilters #longexposure #ndfilter

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Blue hour at this strange place in Raufarhöfn. Here the Arctic Circle lies just off the coast and locates the northernmost town on the Icelandic mainland.
The Heimskautsgerðið - The Arctic Henge is a monument to Asatru, the beliefs of the Scandinavians.
Looking forward to revisit this place in summer, when the midnight sun casts long shadows and aligns between the arches.

#Iceland #ArcticHenge #Heimskautsgerðið

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Arctic Henge Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Fuji GFX100s Medium Format Fine Art Landscape Photography North Iceland 🇮🇸 Raufarhöfn Arctic Circle ! #iceland #raufarhöfn #icelandnorthernlights #icelandart #visiticeland #visiticeland🇮🇸 #icelandscape #explore #explorer #northernlightsiceland #arctichenge #icelandphotography #finearticeland #exploreiceland #arcticcircle #icelandaurora #explorepage #icelandphotography #icelandlandscape #raufarhofn #explorepage #aurora #icelandadventure #icelandic #exploretocreate #explore #exploreeverything #auroraborealis #icelandlandscape #icelandphotography #icelandphotographer #landscapephotography #exploreiceland #fineartphotography #fineartlandscape #northernlights ...

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Let’s welcome the winter solstice!
We love the play of light during these magical dark days.
There’s an average of five hours of full daylight with slightly longer periods of dawn and dusk on each end. For this reason, Icelanders put up their Christmas lights early during the month to brighten up these dark days. On the 21st of December, commonly known as the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year occurs with only four hours of full daylight.
See more about winter and how we can help you experience it☝️
#iceland #icelandtravel #myicelandtravel #nature #travel #group #dmc #fit #mice #cruise #inspiration #tour #solstice #arctic #arctichenge #northiceland #winter #snow #wintersolstice

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Arctic Henge Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Fuji GFX100s Medium Format Fine Art Landscape Photography North Iceland 🇮🇸 Raufarhöfn Arctic Circle ! #iceland #raufarhöfn #icelandnorthernlights #icelandart #visiticeland #visiticeland🇮🇸 #icelandscape #explore #explorer #northernlightsiceland #arctichenge #icelandphotography #finearticeland #exploreiceland #arcticcircle #icelandaurora #explorepage #icelandphotography #icelandlandscape #raufarhofn #explorepage #aurora #icelandadventure #icelandic #exploretocreate #explore #exploreeverything #auroraborealis #icelandlandscape #icelandphotography #icelandphotographer #landscapephotography #exploreiceland #fineartphotography #fineartlandscape #northernlightsiceland #northernlights ...

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Arctic Henge Aurora Borealis Northern Lights Fuji GFX100s Medium Format Fine Art Landscape Photography North Iceland 🇮🇸 Raufarhöfn Arctic Circle ! #iceland #raufarhöfn #icelandnorthernlights #icelandart #visiticeland #visiticeland🇮🇸 #icelandscape #explore #explorer #northernlightsiceland #arctichenge #icelandphotography #finearticeland #exploreiceland #arcticcircle #icelandaurora #explorepage #icelandphotography #icelandlandscape #raufarhofn #explorepage #aurora #icelandadventure #icelandic #exploretocreate #explore #exploreeverything #auroraborealis #icelandlandscape #icelandphotography #icelandphotographer #landscapephotography #exploreiceland #fineartphotography #fineartlandscape #northernlights ...

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The Arctic Henge is set in one of the northernmost villages in Iceland where the Arctic Circle lies just off the coast.
📷 jeogeno
📍 Raufarhöfn
#arcticadventures #icelandicnature #iceland🇮🇸 #ísland #visiticeland #discovericeland #bestoficeland #icelandexplored #kerlingarfjoll #wheniniceland #whyiceland #beautifuldestinations #liveauthentic #moodygrams #travelgram #stayandwander #vzcomood #worldcaptures #ig_europe #iceland #arctics #arcticcircle #wildernessculture #earth_shotz #wintermood #stonehenge #bucketlist_travels #northiceland #igersiceland #arctichenge

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The Arctic henge in Raufarhöfn, one of the most remote and northernmost villages in Iceland where the Arctic Circle lies just off the coast, the Arctic Henge (Heimskautsgerðið) is under construction. Similar to its ancient predecessor, Stonehenge, the Arctic Henge is like a huge sundial, aiming to capture the sunrays, cast shadows in precise locations and capture the light between aligned gateways.
Using Nikon D850 with nikon 14-24 lens 14 mm, f2,8 and iso 1600
#arctichenge #thearctichenge #raufarhöfn #arcticcircle #sundial #solar #iceland #icelandic #icelandair #icelandscape #icelandicnature #guidetoiceland #unlimitediceland #discovericeland #nikon #nikonmea #nikoneurope #ig_iceland #nikonasia #aurorahunting #auroraborealblog #auroraboreale #northernlights #auroraborealisnotifications #worldaurora #ig_auroraborealis #negativespace

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The World At Night (TWAN)
📷: The Arctic Henge
© OlliemTaylor,
From the photographer: “Situated on Icelands far north east corner, just a few fractions of a degree below the Arctic Circle the unfinished stone circle Arctic Henge provides an eerie setting for nightscapes, moonscapes, and Aurora.”

Location: Iceland | ArcticHenge Raufarhöfn

Date: 2023, Nov 15

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Monday, Jan 30th 2023

Photo by ▻ ✪ danielvgphoto

Tag your best shots with #special_shots.

Selected by tufan_pinar

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Arctic Henge 📍N66° 27' 43.322" W15° 57' 46.950", Iceland

Die künstlich erschaffene Version von Stonehenge schrappt mit ihrer Lage auf 66° Nord nur knapp am Polarkreis vorbei (2km von der Küste beginnt er, um genau zu sein) und liefert neben allerlei Inspiration aus den Sagas auch einen spektakulären Anblick. Ich wollte die massiven Steinbauten unbedingt sehen und war mir dabei zu 100% sicher, dass ich enttäuscht sein würde. Ich war es nicht. Vielleicht lag es am Stand der Sonne, vielleicht an der Weite, die diesen fast schon merkwürdigen Platz umgibt, vielleicht an der Tatsache, dass wir gänzlich allein waren - aber ich mochte es dort sehr.

Auch wenn hier eine Sehenswürdigkeit im Grunde rein für den Tourismus geschaffen wurde, so hatte ich doch das Gefühl, einen kleinen Blick in die Vergangeheit zu werfen. Elf Meter hoch ist der Hauptbogen in der Mitte, geschaffen auf Basaltquadern. Tatsächlich wurde das Teil erst 2016 fertiggestellt, wenn man dort steht könnte es aber auch 1000 Jahre früher gewesen sein.

Leider ist der Ort Raufarhöfn (und speziell der zugehörige Campingplatz) wirklich keine Herzensempfehlung und die Fahrt zum Steinkreis ein gewaltiger Umweg auf der Route von Nord nach Ost (wenn man sonst nichts anderes sehen möchte). Ich erzähle euch aber bald von dem ganzen Tag, den wir im nordöstlichsten Teil Islands verbracht haben und vielleicht findet ihr ein bisschen Inspiration und Antrieb, Artic Henge ebenfalls einen Besuch abzustatten, wenn ihr euch das nächste (oder erste) Mal in Island herumtreibt. <3
PS: Ich gehe ein, mit 33°C kann mein Körper absolut nicht mehr umgehen. Was gäbe ich gerade für 'nen Köpper in einen Bergsee, stattdessen arbeite ich an dem letzten Feinschliff meiner Seite, die morgen dann endlich und wirklich online geht. 😀

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The days are long like the river,
and I find myself surrounded by stones,
as it rushes over me.
Which path do I choose when they lead me to the same destination?
Something is in the air here,
I welcome each part with open arms.
Cessna172 w/volcanopilot
GFX100S, 32-64/4
#savethearctic #atlantacreatives #arctichenge #ourplanetdaily #icelandtravel #storiesofsilence #fromwhereidrone #ourfotoworld19 #passionpassport #aerialphotography #arctic #iceland #gfx100 #gfx100S #fujifilm #fujifilmnordic #myfujifilmlegacy #fujifilm_global #ishootfujifilm #repostmyfujifilm #fujifilmfeaturetime #fujifollowme fujifilmnordic fujifilmx_uk fujifilmx_us #abstractaerialart #cessna172 #mediumformat #mediumformatmag #fineartphotoawards #weareallexplorers #elementsphotomag fujifilm_northamerica #fujifilm_northamerica

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What planet are we on again? Oh yeah, Planet Iceland of course! I knew that when exploring Arctic Henge in the middle of nowhere that I envisioned this sort of shot. The remoteness of the area in combination with the Nordic architecture makes you feel like you’re on Mars discovering ancient alien artifacts👽

Arctic Henge is actually these mega structures aligned in a circle similar to Stonehenge. It began construction in 2004 and isn’t even close to being finished! Upon completion, it will have gigantic stone walls encircling the arches along with dozens more structures. The whole encirclement will work as a gigantic sundial resembling the Roman Coliseum. Now imagine our ancestors discovering that thousands of years from now...and wondering why the hell we built it 🤣
#arctichenge #arctic #fullmoonvibes #supermoon #supermoon2020 #icelandtrip #iceland #icelandphotography #beyondthelands_ #earthpix #icelandair #icelandroadtrip #icelandexplored #fantasyphotography #twilight #twilightscapes #icelandtravel #icelandincredible #northiceland #earthcapture #earthpics #visualambassadors #exploretocreate #agameoftones #bluehour #monument #wheniniceland #guidetoiceland #icelandic #islandia

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When is the best time to see the Northern Lights?
There’s both a simple and complicated answer to that question. The simple answer is: From September to mid-April, or when the nights are dark and cold.
That means this season is near it’s end. They’ll be back in September.
📸 onelbenjamin #iceland #icelandtravel #myicelandtravel #northernlights #arctichenge #raufarhöfn #northiceland #auroraborealis

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• Portals •

Not the best place to play hide ‘n seek… Unless these portals are actually working. 🤔

📸: fujifilmnordic XT3 w/ XF10-24

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The days in December are very short—that is something you will notice right away. There’s an average of five hours of full daylight with slightly longer periods of dawn and dusk on each end. For this reason, Icelanders put up their Christmas lights early during the month to brighten up these dark days. On the 21st of December, commonly known as the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year occurs with only four hours of full daylight. It is important for you to keep this in mind when making your travel plans in Iceland during the month of December.
📸 #iceland #icelandtravel #myicelandtravel #arctichenge #raufarhöfn #winter #solstice

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‘Arctic Henge’

#arctichenge #arora #aroraborealis #icelandtravel #icelandic #raufarhöfn #master_in_bnw
#fineartphotographer #bnw_artstyle #bnwminimalismmag #bnw_minimalism #world_bnw #explore_bnw #ic_bnw #pocket_bnw #bnw_amateurs #bnw_of_our_world #bnwplanet #mindtheminimalism #fineartphotography #bnw_drama #bnwphotography #bnwzone #bnw_dream #icelandphotography #master_in_photography #awesome_bnw #incredible_masterpiece #bnw_planet_2020 #mirror_of_our_souls

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Finishing this year with another shot from my most memorable night in 2023 - Aurora galore at the Arctic Henge in northern Iceland.
#iceland #arctichenge #nightphotography #aurora #nachtfotografie #astrophotography #raufarhöfn

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Want to go way off the beaten path with your clients?
Raufarhofn village is Iceland’s northernmost town and home to the picturesque Arctic Henge, an enormous sun calendar based on Norse mythology.
There is something so special about breathing in the ocean air, listening to the birds, and viewing the timeless mystery of the Henge.
See all our services ☝️

📸 mikedyson_

#iceland #icelandtravel #myicelandtravel #nature #travel #group #dmc #arctichenge #raufarhöfn #northiceland #henge #architecture #sundial #mythology #norse #sun winter #inspiration #offthebeatenpath

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